Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dressing for sex - why not?

Dressing for sex.  The phrase usually conjures images of women dressed in everything from lingerie to leather. In fact, it can mean something different for each person.  It could be a furry bear costume or a space alien mask.  No matter what type of clothing or costume, it’s generally used to attract another for sex.  It’s naturally assumed that it is the woman who is getting herself dolled up for a bout of passionate sex but what about the man?
Many heterosexual men rarely think about their appearance in the bedroom.  Of course they think about cleanliness and personal hygiene (I hope), but what else?  We’ve become conditioned to think that the man’s only responsibility is to show up naked with a stiff penis.
‘Have gun will travel reads the card of a man’ was the tagline form the old western television show.  But the main character Paladin didn’t simply walk around naked with a gun.  Now some of the ladies might have liked it, but many would have just found him creepy.  Not to mention, it could get mighty cold at night in the Wild West.
Richard Boone, the actor that played the cowboy for hire was considered a heartthrob way before I was born. (How do I know?  I looked it up on the Internet.)  Anyway, the guy dressed in form-fitting black clothes with a matching black hat.  I guess he was cowboy-cool!
So maybe this should apply to the bedroom as well?  We all love women in lingerie and hot clothing, especially in the bedroom (Yeah you too. Stop shaking your head).  So why shouldn’t guys do the same thing?  I’ve actually had this discussion with many friends and it comes down to two reasons: Why? What would we wear?
So let’s look at these two separately.
Why?  Well that answer is pretty simple.  If it turns you on to see your wife/girlfriend/fuck-buddy dressed up, it will turn her on to see you dressed up as well.  It’s not too hard to understand that your partner might like a show just as much as you. Even more, it shows that you’re simply doing more than showing up with your cock.  Women like it when a guy shows that that they are special.  Go figure.
What would I wear?  No kidding here, but the choices of items men have to wear in the bedroom completely sucks!  Of course we have boxer shorts and robes made of satin and silk, and even have matching t-shirts.  But what else do we have?  Luckily a group of men have found the answer.  Who are they?  The gay community!
Now hold on and stop before you start.  Every gay man is not a gourmet chef, home decorating wizard or fashionista.  This is not about stereotypes.  In Chicago we have an area called boys town.  It’s a neighborhood that is LGBT friendly, and happens to have a nice selection of sex shops and clothing boutiques. It was in these shops that I discovered that men CAN dress for sex, and there’s more out there than robes, shorts and shirts!
In these shops I discovered a whole new way of thinking regarding dressing for sex. You can start with the basic jockstrap that enhances your package while leaving your buns exposed.  They come in different styles, colors and materials.  You can also find matching tank tops and t-shirts that go beyond the average.
So, it’s not earth shattering so far, but wait…there’s more!  I’ve found t-shirts that zip up the front, made of spandex and cotton, as well as matching zipper shorts.  We can move on from there and find spandex shorts and jocks with zipper fronts and backs, and even open-front shorts with built-in cock rings that let you proudly display your best buddy. There are leather shorts and harnesses, and let’s not forget the chrome and brushed steel cock-rings!
So there are plenty of clothing options for the bedroom if you just look for it.  Better yet, I think many men will enjoy getting dressed for sex.  After all, ZZ-top said it best ‘every girl’s crazy ‘bout a sharp dressed man’.
You can find the basic items such as jockstraps, satin and silk shorts at department stores like Macy’s or online retailers like:
More risqué items (What does that really mean?  Stuff Grandpa wouldn’t probably get unless he’s freaky!)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pegging story - Do ya think I'm sexy?

Do ya think I'm sexy?
By Twistedplayr

Royce slipped his e-reader into his bag as the train pulled into the station.  The weather was cool and he decided to walk the few blocks home instead of taking the bus.  Fall had set in quickly, but it was his favorite time of year.  While walking he enjoyed the stiff breeze and nip of chill in the air, humming to the music playing on his headphones.


The entryway of the building was empty and Royce retrieved his mail before stepping inside.  He was busy examining an envelope and didn’t notice the person sitting in one of the guest chairs.


“It took you long enough.  I was expecting you almost thirty minutes ago,” said the woman sitting in the chair.


Royce turned around as she stood.  With her head bowedhe couldn’t see her face, but could tell she was at least a foot shorter than him.  She wore a black skirt, stockings and matching black heels with a black trench coat that hid the rest of her body.  When she finished standing he could finally see her face, and though she wasn’t a model he did find her quite attractive.


“I’m sorry, have we met before?” Royce asked as the woman pulled a large piece of rolling luggage from the side of the chair.


“No, but we've had plenty of contact RJ.  I know you are not expecting me, but I finished some business a few days early. I thought I might surprise you for the weekend,” shesaid with a smile, the shape of her sexy red lips causingRoyce’s heart to skip a beat.


Royce felt stunned as he realized who the woman was.


“Tina?” He asked, knowing the answer.


“In the flesh honey.  I had thought about telling you I might be in town, but didn’t want to get your hopes up.  Fortunately I was able to finish early and my flight doesn’t leave until Sunday evening,” she said while walking toward him.


“You should have emailed me. I would have come home early,” Royce said.  He could only imagine what Tina was planning.  He had met her in a chat room a few months prior, and since then they had exchanged many kinky emails.  They chatted almost every night and he had shared more about his inner-desires with her than anyone else.


Tina leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before continuing to the elevator.  She pressed the button to call the car and stepped inside when the doors opened.


“Are you coming?” She asked.


Royce followed her into the elevator and pushed the button for his floor.  He tucked his mail underneath his arm, took a deep breath and turned toward his guest.


“I’m really glad you’re here, you just surprised me.  I would have left early to meet you had I known,” Royce explained, reiterating his earlier statement.


“I know, but then it wouldn’t have been a surprise.  Besides, I didn’t know I would have the extra time until earlier today. But If it’s inconvenient I can always leave,” Tina teased as she reached for the button to return to the first floor.


“No, no, you just surprised me. I’m glad to see you!” Royce sad, quickly blocking her way.


Royce took Tina’s bag as the elevator door opened on his floor, rolling the heavy bag down the hallway to his door. He fumbled with his keys before finally unlocking the door and ushering Tina inside his apartment.


“You have a nice place,” Tina said as she looked around the living room.


“Thanks!  I was planning on ordering in tonight.  Is there anything in particular you would like?” Royce called out from the guestroom where he was placing Tina’s luggage.


Royce placed the heavy bag next to the dresser and turned around just as Tina entered the room.


“I’m glad you asked.  I have something very specific in mind,” Tina said as she slipped off her black trench coat, pulling a small bottle from one of the pockets beforetossing it over her suitcase.


Without her coat, Royce could finally see all of Tina, and she looked exactly as she had described in her emails and chats. She was petite but curvy and her impish grin made promises that he hoped she was willing to keep.  A smile slowly crept across his face and it was obvious to Tina what he was thinking.


“You kept me waiting for quite a while, so I think we should do away with all the foreplay,” Tina said as she reached down and gathered the hem of her skirt.


Tina was always the aggressor during their online chats, but it still surprised Royce when she pulled up her skirt.  She rolled and tucked the front of the skirt into the waistband, and that’s when he saw it.  The dildo lie under her pantyhose, trapped against her right thigh.  Other than its size, the plump column of silicone looked realistic and stopped only a few inches above her knee.


The sound of ripping nylon cut the silence as Tina tore her pantyhose along the seam, freeing the massive dildo.  Shequickly tightened the straps of the leather harness that held the beast, causing its head to rise like a flesh-colored monster from the oceans depths. She hefted the dildo with one hand and wagged the bottle with the other.


"I brought the cock and the lube. I hope you didn't slack off in your training. You told me you finished using the dilators, and this baby is the size of the largest one," Tina told him.


Royce gulped and his eyes widened as he looked at the massive tool. At Tina's request, over the past few weeks he had been using a set of anal inserts called dilators. The set consisted of six short plugs that started off small, with each plug wider than the last. The plugs helped to relax the anal ring and train it to accept larger items. Royce had recently graduated to the largest plug, and could now insert it without any discomfort.


"Yeah, I've been using the largest one for the last four days or so," Royce said, his eyes bouncing between the dildo and her wicked smile.


"Oh that's fantastic. Then I won't need to go too easy on you. Now why don't you get your pants off and kneel on the bed?" Tina said.


Royce knew it wasn't a question and didn't think twice as he began unfastening his belt. Tina had been very clear and explicit about what she would do when they inevitably met. He hadn't known how much was mere talk and what she would truly go through with, but it appeared that she was a woman of her word. He finished unbuckling his belt and quickly unbuttoned his pants.


The belt buckle clattered as it fell to the floor with Royce's pants and boxer shorts. He bent to untangle his feet but Tina had other plans. She reached him before he could free a single foot and caught him by the shoulder.


"I've got a better idea. Leave them on and get onto the bed," Tina said as she spun him around toward the bed.


With his pants around his ankles, Royce shuffled like a prisoner as he moved toward the bed. He awkwardly climbed onto the mattress and stopped with his ass and feet hanging off the bed.


"No, no.  I can't fuck you like that. Flip onto your back," Tina ordered.  


No sooner had Royce landed on his back did he find Tina hoisting his legs into the air. She grabbed his pants and shorts like a handle and pushed his legs back against his chest.


"Take these and keep your legs out of the way while I get you ready to fuck," Tina said as she gave him the makeshift restraint.


Royce's legs and pants partially obscured his view of Tina, but he heard the snapping sound as she flipped the cap on the bottle of lube. He soon felt the cold lubricant pouring over his perineum and down to his waiting knot, where Tina massaged the lube into his anal ring.  After just a few circles she pushed three fingers into his anus, keeping her word about not needing to take things slowly.


"Oh yes, you are ready for this," Tina said with a chuckle as she spread her fingers.


Using her fingers like an open chute, Tina poured lube into her hand and let it flow down her fingers and into his ass. She continued filling his rectum with the cold liquid, and Royce could feel it traveling deep into his guts. He thought it would begin to pour from his ass, but found his canal more than able to take it all.


Tina poured half of the bottle of lube into his open hole before stopping. She flipped the cap closed and dropped the bottle next to him on the bed him before pulling her gooey fingers from his ass. Royce watched as she rubbed the slippery gel over the head of her huge prick and felt his ass clench at the thought of what was about to happen.


"Keep those legs up. It's time for me to get to work," Tina told him as she positioned herself between his legs.


Royce held his breath when he felt the tip of her dildo press against his slippery ring. Even though he had used the dilators and even a dildo on his ass, he had yet to find a woman to fuck his ass until now. This was new territory, and very different from playing by himself in his bedroom. He looked down past his balled up pants and legs to see the thick column of silicone and prayed that his training had been enough.


Tina applied steady pressure and the tapered tip of her cock began slowly forcing its way into his anal ring. Royce shuddered as the muscle stretched, growing wider and wider until the head slid into his anal cavity. He gasped from relief as his ring slid over the smooth surface of the dildo, his training making it a perfect fit.


"Oh this is going better than I hoped for," Tina said as she pushed another few inches into his ass.


Royce tried to concentrate on breathing as the dildo began spreading his rectal walls. The surprisingly warm column relentlessly slid deeper, displacing the lubricant as it went.The huge cock pushed most the slippery liquid deeper inside, but the rest oozed outward, greasing the shaftalong the way.  


The dilators had prepared his anal ring for the girth of the beast, but not the rest of his rectal tube. The soft walls easily expanded to fit the intruder, but Royce's belly soon felt full, his rectal cavity bloated by the modern day serpent. He couldn't see how much of her cock was in his ass, but sighed loudly when she stopped pushing.


"Shit, you've taken as much as possible without more serious training.  How does it feel? Is it all you hoped for?" Tina asked as she held still, letting him grow accustomed to having his ass stuffed.


" feels fantastic," Royce managed to grunt as tremors rippled through his body.


With his deflowering complete and no longer a need to guide her weapon, Tina let go of the dildo and placed her hands on Royce's legs. She used her hips to withdraw a few inches of cock from his ass, and watched as he squirmed and gasped.  She rocked her hips forward and burrowed back into his ass, laughing as his head fell back against the mattress.


Tina began fucking him slowly but deeply and Royce found that he couldn't breathe. He felt as if his brain was too busy concentrating on the hundreds of myriad sensations coming from deep inside his ass to bother with trivial things like breathing. Even his eyes refused to respond as he stared unblinking at the ceiling. His head began to swim until finally his autonomic system kicked back in and he gasped for air.


"Oh baby this is the fuck of your life," Tina said as she, pulling further and further out of his ass with each stroke.


Royce growled and gritted his teeth as Tina fucked his ass, relentlessly pounding him with her cock. He felt his rectum expand with each thrust and swore he could see his abdomen swell. The thick cock slid over his prostate, massaging and pressuring the excited gland. Royce managed to raise his head and look at his cock, surprised that it was still soft. Instead of a rock-hard erection, his cock lie against his stomach, a steady stream of sticky fluid oozes from the tip.


Tina increased her pace, moving faster and faster until she was pounding into his ass.  She pushed his legs back as far as possible and adjusted her stance, increasing the force of her thrusts. She fucked him with amazing skill,ravishing him without slipping too deep while forcing moans of ecstasy from his lips.


Royce wailed and tossed his head as the beastly cock punched into his ass. He lost all conscious thought, only able to feel the heat and pressure of the tool pounding into his rectum like a jackhammer. Without realizing it hebegan babbling, an incoherent stream of words flowing from his mouth. The talking didn't end until he climaxed, long surges of sticky spunk flowing out of his cock to pool in his belly button.


"Yeah, that's it.  Come for me baby," Tina said as she slowed down, almost pulling out with each stroke.


Tina finally slowed to a stop and Royce collapsed on the bed. He didn't move until she withdrew her cock from his no-longer-virgin ass. He yelped like a puppy as the head of her monstrous cock cleared his ring, followed by a hot, wet torrent of slippery lube.  Royce was too exhausted to keep his legs up so he simply lowered and let them hang off the bed.


"That was a wonderful start to the weekend. But now I'm hungry. When you're ready why don't you order some Chinese," Tina said as she unfastened her harness.


"Okay," Royce managed to reply.


Tina left the room for the bathroom across the hall, and Royce could hear her washing her dildo and harness. Hemanaged to raise his legs again before reaching down and touching his ass.  He easily slipped two fingers inside, and was curiously exploring his slowly closing ring when Tina called out.


"I didn't check out of my hotel room, so we'll have to go there sometime tomorrow to pick up my luggage. I didn't know if you would be here, so I only brought my toy bag," she said, referring to the rolling bag that he assumed was her only luggage.


Tina returned and silently stood in the doorway, smiling as she watched him finger his freshly fucked ass.


"Oh I'm glad you're still up for more. I plan to useeverything in my bag before I leave, so it's good to know I have an enthusiastic partner," she said, startling Royce.


Tina turned and left, and Royce could hear her whistling as she walked down the hall. She was whistling ‘Do yathink I’m sexy?’ by Rod Stewart and Royce couldn’t help but laugh. He looked over at the rolling case and his assquivered. I knew she was sexy, and it looked like it was going to be one hell of a weekend.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Next purchase on my list of things to buy.

So after a lot if research I think I've found a new tool that I'll order this weekend. Due to a prolonged period of inactivity and other factors I actually regressed in the size toy I'm comfortable with using. I want to increase the girth of toy I can take, but there are very few butt plugs that have a thin enough body but wide enough neck to be of any use. After a lot of searching I finally came across these.

They are called anal dilators, and as you can see they are shaped more like dildos than butt plugs. The neck helps train your anal sphincter to accept larger toys. Simply start off with the smallest, and over time move up a size. They were originally created to help with everything from hemorrhoid relieve to constipation and though they fell short on many claims they do help train your ass. 

The reviews on amazon were not all that helpful, but through the power of the Internet I found plenty of reviews on other sites and they are overwhelmingly positive. But of course amazon has the best price. Over 50% off the price of many other stores. So I'll be ordering these puppies on Friday. 

Amazon product page:

Reviews at

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The future is now. Well...sort of.

While surfing the Internet I came across a toy that both men and women would love. This is the sort of item that needs a kickstarter fund. I could say more but a picture says a thousand words. So, here comes two thousand words in picture format.

Oh yeah, and four more:  This is freaking cool!!!


Check out the awesome article and the very cool person who made this amazing toy at:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Nice pegging story from

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Is this guy fucking lucky or what?

This is a repost of a question submitted to Dan Savage and printed in the Reader newspaper.  After you read this you'll hate the guy asking the question as much as I do.  Lucky bastard!

Savage Love: Monogamish

What Can Go Wrong When My Girlfriend Squirts While Fucking Me In the Ass?

 | July 21, 2011
You probably get this question every day. I'm a man who loves it when my girlfriend fucks me with a strap-on. Another great thing: my girlfriend ejaculates frequently and plentifully when we have sex, and she's done so when she's pegging me. Which leads to my question: what are the possible issues from getting female ejaculate in your ass? I'm thinking about modifying a toy in a way that might enable her to squirt up my ass. It probably won't work, but I'm going to try. Because if it does work...
—Oh My Fucking God
A I do indeed get questions about female ejaculation every day—where does that shit come from? How the hell can I/my girlfriend learn to do that shit? Is that shit really piss?—but you're the first person to ask me about modifying a sex toy so as to enable a woman to come in a man's ass. (You're going to want to patent that thing if it works, OMFG.)
Allow me to quickly dispense with the usual questions: it comes shooting out of a woman's urethra; practice, practice, practice; that shit isn't piss. How do we know it's not piss? Science!
In 2007 a crack team of sex researchers in Vienna "collected" lady ejaculate from two lady ejaculators—not a huge sample, admittedly, but two lady ejaculators are better then none—and rushed their lady ejaculate to the lab, where it was "evaluated biochemically." They published the results of their study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine ("The Female Prostate Revisited: Perineal Ultrasound and Biochemical Studies of Female Ejaculate," September 2007).
They concluded that lady ejaculate isn't piss, it's come: "The fluids emitted were clearly different than urine voided prior to sexual activity," they wrote. "The values show that the source of fluid expulsion during orgasm is not urine, but is rather similar to male ejaculate."
As lady ejaculate is chemically similar to gentleman ejaculate, OMFG, the risks of a lady ejaculating in your ass would presumably be similar to the risks of a gentleman ejaculating in your ass: you'd be at risk of acquiring any sexually transmitted infection she might have. But if your lady ejaculator is disease-free, letting her come in your ass is a risk-free, if not squick-free, activity.
Send letters to mail at Download the Savage Lovecast every Tuesday at

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It makes me wonder...

I admit that I’ve always had a pretty active imagination.  I think of it as a gift as I’m rarely bored.  With that being said, I often find myself wondering about the people around me.  We hide so much about ourselves that it’s difficult not to muse about the possible secrets lurking all around you.
I usually keep myself busy while commuting, but sometimes I simply listen to music and people watch. Trust me, there are some pretty interesting characters riding the Chicago train system.  I don’t pay attention to guys on the train unless I think they might be up to no good, it’s the women that capture my eye.
The train travels through multiple areas of the city , and riders come in all shapes, sizes, races and ages.  So when I find a woman that catches my eye I often have to think about what might be lurking under the surface. Is the quiet librarian-type really a wild woman beneath her calm exterior?  Does the older, grandmotherly looking lady prefer anal sex and masturbate with her blinds open for her neighbors to see?
I enjoy writing erotic fiction, and these people often inspire my characters.  Having seen a person up close helps me feel more connected to my story.  So this morning I observed a rather average lady on the train.  I don’t mean average in a plain or boring sense, but she wasn’t dressed or acting in a manner that would set her apart from the rest of her fellow passengers.
What caught my eye was the deep blue skirt she was wearing.  It wasn’t too short or too tight, but the color was deep and striking.  The weather was cool and a hint of pink was on her cheeks.  Those small elements made her attractive.  Not a glamorous beauty or model, just simply attractive.  Of course my imagination kicked in, and I began wondering about what she might really be like.
Could this woman be exactly as her appearance advertised?  Attractive but safe and conservative?  Or could she be wild and kinky with a wicked imagination.  Maybe she harbored fantasies about naked orgies with other women, and maybe those orgies were real and not fantasy.
Perhaps this woman owned a impressive collection of sex toys and loved to put on shows for her friends.  I wondered if she owned a harness and dildo, or did she like harness-free models like the feeldoe? The possibilities were endless! Something caught my eye, and I was now sure of one thing.  The ring on her finger told me she was married.
The fact that she married didn’t change a thing.  I looked over to my wife sitting next to me.  Her eyes were closed and she was relaxing to the music playing on her IPhone.  Something funny struck me and I couldn’t help but smile.  I know my wife, and I know that the sweet, friendly exterior is simply the wrapper that surrounds the complexity housed inside. 
My better half is funny, kind and generous but only a few get a glimpse of her inner self.  She’s wicked, deliciously kinky and ravenous when she wants sex.  There are things that can still shock her, but that list is rapidly dwindling.  She’s my proof that women are often far more than what we think they are.  So when I see that business lady dressed in shiny leather pumps, or the sweaty mother of two out for an evening jog I can let my mind wonder.  Does she like pegging?  What size is her favorite dildo?
It's a fun diversion, so next time your out, try imagining the women you see where strapons. You'll look at the world in a completely different way!