Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dressing for sex - why not?

Dressing for sex.  The phrase usually conjures images of women dressed in everything from lingerie to leather. In fact, it can mean something different for each person.  It could be a furry bear costume or a space alien mask.  No matter what type of clothing or costume, it’s generally used to attract another for sex.  It’s naturally assumed that it is the woman who is getting herself dolled up for a bout of passionate sex but what about the man?
Many heterosexual men rarely think about their appearance in the bedroom.  Of course they think about cleanliness and personal hygiene (I hope), but what else?  We’ve become conditioned to think that the man’s only responsibility is to show up naked with a stiff penis.
‘Have gun will travel reads the card of a man’ was the tagline form the old western television show.  But the main character Paladin didn’t simply walk around naked with a gun.  Now some of the ladies might have liked it, but many would have just found him creepy.  Not to mention, it could get mighty cold at night in the Wild West.
Richard Boone, the actor that played the cowboy for hire was considered a heartthrob way before I was born. (How do I know?  I looked it up on the Internet.)  Anyway, the guy dressed in form-fitting black clothes with a matching black hat.  I guess he was cowboy-cool!
So maybe this should apply to the bedroom as well?  We all love women in lingerie and hot clothing, especially in the bedroom (Yeah you too. Stop shaking your head).  So why shouldn’t guys do the same thing?  I’ve actually had this discussion with many friends and it comes down to two reasons: Why? What would we wear?
So let’s look at these two separately.
Why?  Well that answer is pretty simple.  If it turns you on to see your wife/girlfriend/fuck-buddy dressed up, it will turn her on to see you dressed up as well.  It’s not too hard to understand that your partner might like a show just as much as you. Even more, it shows that you’re simply doing more than showing up with your cock.  Women like it when a guy shows that that they are special.  Go figure.
What would I wear?  No kidding here, but the choices of items men have to wear in the bedroom completely sucks!  Of course we have boxer shorts and robes made of satin and silk, and even have matching t-shirts.  But what else do we have?  Luckily a group of men have found the answer.  Who are they?  The gay community!
Now hold on and stop before you start.  Every gay man is not a gourmet chef, home decorating wizard or fashionista.  This is not about stereotypes.  In Chicago we have an area called boys town.  It’s a neighborhood that is LGBT friendly, and happens to have a nice selection of sex shops and clothing boutiques. It was in these shops that I discovered that men CAN dress for sex, and there’s more out there than robes, shorts and shirts!
In these shops I discovered a whole new way of thinking regarding dressing for sex. You can start with the basic jockstrap that enhances your package while leaving your buns exposed.  They come in different styles, colors and materials.  You can also find matching tank tops and t-shirts that go beyond the average.
So, it’s not earth shattering so far, but wait…there’s more!  I’ve found t-shirts that zip up the front, made of spandex and cotton, as well as matching zipper shorts.  We can move on from there and find spandex shorts and jocks with zipper fronts and backs, and even open-front shorts with built-in cock rings that let you proudly display your best buddy. There are leather shorts and harnesses, and let’s not forget the chrome and brushed steel cock-rings!
So there are plenty of clothing options for the bedroom if you just look for it.  Better yet, I think many men will enjoy getting dressed for sex.  After all, ZZ-top said it best ‘every girl’s crazy ‘bout a sharp dressed man’.
You can find the basic items such as jockstraps, satin and silk shorts at department stores like Macy’s or online retailers like:
More risqué items (What does that really mean?  Stuff Grandpa wouldn’t probably get unless he’s freaky!)

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